Wednesday, February 08, 2006

the kid's still in the picture

One other thing I gotta last night, the kid missed one of his entrances...because he was standing in front of a vending machine, trying to decide what piece of refined sugar to purchase. So now he has to stay in the Green Room at all times.

I was (and I hate to admit it) kinda pleased that he got into trouble, but then I realized that this means I've got to put up with him for another hour - since I stay in the Green Room for the final third of the play. A couple of us are ganging up and trying to put our collective foot down...teaching him manners and such...

Two weeks left. Will we kill him? Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I still like the idea of repeating everything he says back to him. Nothing like making a pre-teen have a good, old-fashioned breakdown.