Wednesday, March 14, 2007

i got nuthin'

I really don't know how normal people work forty hours a week.

I really don't.

I'm not kidding.

This week I've worked:

M: 9a-5p

T 9a-5p and 6:30-10:45p

W 9a-6:45p

...and I'm spent.

And, t'm'row, I have to get up at 6:30 for a one-day gig.

On the bright side, in a couple of weeks I'll be making money hand over fist, which means that paying my rent won't be a problem.

And I did snag an audition for next week. I have to drive 200 miles to get there, but at least it's something.

And I've also secured a trip to Sleepy Hamlet next month! I'm going to spend most of my time in April on the road, so you'll get a lot of mobile blogging then.

Dinner time.


April said...

sorry...but i had to laugh when i read:

I'm going to spend most of my time in April on the road...

get some rest, sugar!

The Rover said...

You have a DIRTY mind. But you're funny.