Tuesday, October 25, 2005


My little brother proposed to his girlfriend last night! (She said yes.)

I'm very excited for them - they've been an item for almost five years, and she's basically part of the family already. It's just nice to know that the government will recognize her place, too.

He's almost three years younger than me, and in some ways I feel a little dysfunctional - isn't the older sibling supposed to settle down first? Not only am I not getting married anytime soon, but I'm not even sure I've met Ms. Right yet. Don't get me wrong - 95% of the time I'm completely ok with this fact. It comes with the lifestyle I've chosen, after all.

Anyway, props to the kids - very proud of you both. Looking forward to being in the wedding...


Bright-Eyes said...

very cool! and scary.
Don't forget the watermelon smirnoff for the reception. Put your order in early, especially if you are going to have it in the hot months...

Ahh.. Mr. Right...where art thou.

Bright-Eyes said...

Ahhh the love godess has spoken.

The Rover said...

Very true, Aphro. And believe me, I've managed to have my fun this year. Maybe I should blog about my dating life...

Bright-Eyes said...

Don't get cooties lanciepoo