Sunday, May 13, 2007

sublet hell

I'm SO frustrated.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to sublet my room, with little success.

Part of the problem is my schedule - I've been really busy, and I haven't been available to have people come by.

Part of the problem is my roommates - they have busy schedules, and getting them in the same place at the same time is difficult.

And part of the problem is luck.

I showed the place to a guy last week. He liked it, but he needed to talk to the roommate that wasn't present, and he wasn't sure about the money. He said no on Friday.

I cancelled a trip out of town to show the place to a woman on Saturday morning. She loved it. She needed to talk to the roommate who wasn't present. But, an hour after she saw the place, she called to say that she found another place, and it was equally suitable, and they could commit to her right then, so she was taking it.

Now I have an open house scheduled to start in ten minutes. I sent out info to 20 people. Four replied that they were coming. One just cancelled.

Both of my roommates aren't coming (which REALLY aggravates me, since this is the whole reason I'm doing this on Sunday night, because they both said they would be there).

I leave in two weeks, and I just want to get this over with, so that I can deal with the million other things on my plate.

1 comment:

DH said...

That sucks, Rover.

Mortgages suck...but I think leases suck more.

Good luck to you, man.