Thursday, December 07, 2006

horny older lady strikes again!

We're doing Secret Santa at work. I kind of hate doing the whole cloak-and-dagger thing, but I'm getting stuff in return, so it's all good, right?

Anyway, I have to give mad props to Suri, because she saved me from the Horny Older Lady. Suri and HOL were sharing a dressing room for a while, and apparently she kept saying, "I hope I get The Rover in Secret Santa. I totally know what I'll get him: thong underwear! Maybe he'll wear them for me!"

Maybe I'll douse myself with gasoline and set myself on fire, too.

HOL was also going through a phase a couple of weeks ago where she kept telling Suri the things she wanted to do to me, in graphic detail. And Suri would always say, "Look, HOL, you need to chill. And you need to not tell The Rover these things."

"But I can't help it. He's so hot!"

"That may be, but it's gross, and you're going to freak him out. So knock it off."

God bless Suri.


L. Britt said...

There are no words...

The whole "I can't help it" line is SO childish! I can't believe she is old!

Why haven't you reported this freak yet?

The Rover said...

She's been reported to the deputy (who is Suri), and she has not made any more overt gestures towards me personally, so there's really nothing more that I can do at this point. Other than blog about it...

L. Britt said...

Well, at least keep the posts up. This woman is too crazy to be believed! I think I saw her by the you have actual scenes with her?