Sunday, September 06, 2009

well, hello there

Long time, no see.


To tell the truth, I've had a hard time deciding whether or not I wanted to continue writing in here. Anonymity is kind of stifling sometimes. Several times over the past two months I found myself nixing a potential blog entry because I was afraid of "blowing my cover". I mean, come on...half of the people who read this know who I am and where I'm at. Still, though...the last thing I need is for a director or actor to google my name and come up with some of the stories I've told.

Plus, in the aftermath of my breakup, I wanted to get away from a lot of things - and I think this blog was one of them. This place was one of my primary venting and problem solving spaces for that relationship, and sometimes I think that maybe this blog should go the way of that relationship.


I have to admit that there's a life possibility out there for me that would give me a compelling reason to continue. So I'm kind of waiting to see how that plays out before I make any concrete decisions.

And I think a lot of my friends would argue that my life is infinitely more interesting when I'm dating...and these last couple of months have certainly borne that out. Seriously.

What do you think? Have you been jonesing for a fix of The Rover's latest set of issues?


Bright-Eyes said...

dude, seriously? You need to change this title to "The Rover Dates" or "WARNING! Issues herein"

So you found yourself another dependent? ;-)

Jessa said...

I always find your life interesting. Whether or not there is "DRAMA." "The Days of our Rover" doesn't necessarily need chicks. I mean really . . .