Thursday, August 03, 2006

missed connection

When I was in Sleepy Hamlet back in April, I met this girl that I've been chatting with for a year on MySpace (we've actually got a friend in common, so it's not all THAT shady.) We only hung out for an hour or so at a really loud bar, but we totally hit it off, and there was a definite strong physical attraction. I'm not really into sleeping with someone right after meeting them, but I think that it may have happened had we spent a few more hours together.

So we continued e-mailing, but a few weeks after I left she got back together with her old boyfriend. They've been kind of off-again on-again, so I didn't think too much of it. And I thought, hey, when I come back to the Hamlet, they might not even be together. Maybe she could be Mrs. Rover.

(I've had this thing, ever since The Wedding of the Century, that I wonder who Mrs. Rover is. Have I met her before? Is it someone from my past? There's some stat that says that 95% of people have met their future spouse by age 25. Who is she? I'm not in a rush to settle down...but I'd really like to know who she is.)

Anyway, I let her know that I was back in town, and she sent me a cryptic e-mail, and I replied, and she wrote back with confirmation - she's pregnant. Guess that's not going anywhere, huh? I'm sure I'll still talk to her. This wasn't anything that I was banking on - I'm just a smidge disappointed because I was really interested to see where this would have gone. But, hey, best of luck to her and the baby and the baby daddy.

Besides, I've got a lot of ex-flames to see in this town. More on this soon...


James Burnett said...

Cool blog. I found it through Spoke in the Wheel. And good decision not to pursue her further. Baby momma/daddy drama can only lead one place: to the Maury Povich show.

Bright-Eyes said...

sometimes I think you are really a girl in testosterone clothing.

Anonymous said...

Youu will find your special someone.

April said...

Just stopping in to say hi....:)